My Delicious Demon


My Delicious Demon with long Black Hair

A Wicked type appeal with an Emerald Glare

My own Pete Steele with a Glimmer in his Stare

The kind of Fallen Angel that's no Stranger to the thrill of Danger

I called him from the Mouth of Hell to serve my needs so Very Well

A hulking Giant at 6'8

I'll muzzle his defiance when he's at my Plate

I sowed the seeds of Passion when I wove that Spell

Grew Myself a Demon that performs so Well

I think you'll catch my meaning if I've told it Right

When he soars beneath me with all his Might

Dark downy Wings to float away the Sadness

Whe he does those things that fly me straight to Madness

Takes me in his arms a shelter from the Fray

Glides me through the Night and Holds me through the Day

A Goblin of a Knight with loving on his Mind

Gobbles me So Tight

I like the Hellion Kind

Satan's Sexy Soldier who came to heed my Call

Now he guards my Garden

A storm is forming at My Wall

He'll receive no pardon till he's drowning in My Squall

The Rumble of My Thunder doesn't threaten him At All

He's devoured by my Power but doesn't Cower from My Thrall

Then My Lightning Strykes him and Ignites the Beast Inside

My Beautiful Brute in his Birthday Suit will dare to take a Ride

Yeah We Ride that Lightning and it's so Damn Exciting

Pounding out Hymns with Our Hips

We're in an Ancient War but No One's keeping Score

We just Invite those Flips and Dips

The Witch and the Demon Celebrating a Sexual Rhythm

Bodies Melding Savages Swelling with Orgasmic Cataclysm

My Mighty Monster Shucks My Oyster with Boisterous Delight

Then I hold him down

Pummel him Round after Round

In the End We've both Won the Fight

My Delicious Demon 

A Warrior for My Queendom

I'm so glad he Fell

A Fiend for My Yule Season 

And he lives to Ring My Bell

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