My Dragon Tale: A Phoenix from the Flames

 Okay, My babies, if you have been following Me Religiously the way you know you should be then you know how Excited I was when a client gifted Me with a Dragon Tail Whip.  You should also know My Passion for Impact Play.  Flogging sends Me into a Frenzy of Ecstasy.  I have a couple of bull whips but I really don't have the room to use them.  You need really high ceilings for those devils.  So when a few months back I was Enjoying an episode of the Kinky Cocktail Hour about Single Tails the guest opened up a World of Wonder when he suggested a Dragon Tail for lower ceilings and smaller spaces.  That or a Signal Whip, which I still want and Desire, but first I had to have the Dragon.  Just the name inspired Happiness in Me.  

I googled it and Fell in Love.  People talk of Spirit Animals and as I said in My Poem, I believe the Dragon is Mine.  That or the Phoenix because I always Rise from the Ashes to find Victory.  But after all, isn't the Phoenix still a different breed of Dragon?  Today I watched Godzilla: King of the Monsters and I reflected on the fact that he is So Much Like Me.  That Magnificent Light that Shone so Bright!  I mean, Go, Go, Godzilla!  Right?  The Absolute King of All Dragons.  Gojira, the guy called him.  Gojira is one of My Favorite Bands of All Time!  It's like that Game, Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.  

I posted a lovely picture from the site, Etsy, of the Dragon Tail Whip I wanted, and within an hour someone had bought it for Me.  I finally got to use it and I am elated to be telling you all about it, My darlings.  My Whip is beautiful, red leather with a black and red studded handle.  I named her Betty.  I also got a new hot pink and black riding crop, and I named her Wilma.  Betty and Wilma were some of the Original Dommes as far as I'm concerned.  I also confided in My Dragon Tale rhyme that I have a ton of Anger in Me for a lot of reasons, but mostly because of who I often refer to as My evil ex.

It just so happens I had a confrontation with little mr. evil last week.  Though once again, I was Victorious, the experience left Me breathing Fire! Y'all think I'm kidding when I talk about Karma but I'm Deadly Serious.  Things linked together in a perfect, Karmic Chain.  I got My Whip, then I won a battle over that little-man-syndrome having dip.  The very next day My favorite masochist called Me to play! Yay! Yay! Yay!  Going to War had fanned those Flames.  The timing could not have been better.  You see what I mean?  How the Cosmic Wheel turned?  I was amped to make My pet Burn! 

As he should he showed up on time and he submitted to Pain Sublime.  He said, "Do with me what You will.  To be Your slut gives me such a Thrill."  So that's when I went in for the Kill.  I wound that Whip and let it Rip.  Y'all!  What a Sound!  That deep, leather Thump on his juicy rump.  It made My Heart go Pitter-Patter.  Don't you doubt it.  I lit him up just like Godzilla and let Me tell you, My friends, it was definitely a Thriller.  My Betty bit his hips and thighs, then she fired his balls.  The Screams.... Oh My!  How they did so make Me High! 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!", he moaned and groaned.  "My Goddess, You make it so Good to be Owned!  This week I have been truly, really bad and that part of me makes me genuinely sad.  So take your Fury out on me and Rise like the Phoenix, my Mistress Victory"  I rewarded his penance and stuffed his ass.  I made it My pussy, and he sure did have a Blast. 

For another Karmic Reward, the next day I got a call from someone new I can't wait to make crawl.  This person craves abuse on a whole new level and just the very thought makes me Transcendental.  Whether or not they decide to show, our conversation sure made me Glow.  I hope they are real and they dare to Commit cause who doesn't love big boobs and a dick?

Then today, just as I was writing this Tale, I got another call that left me Enraptured.  I am enthused to tell you guys, after.  I'm meeting this man who is a secret cross-dresser.  I'm giving another make-over and I'll do it with Pleasure.  Playing dress-up is So much Fun, and when I am done I'll be Shining like the Sun.  

So My demons, Have No Fear!  Your Guiding Light in the Night is here and it's gonna be a Hell of a Year!

 There are So Many Places that we can Connect so you better pick one or you will Live in Regret. 😜  Niteflirt, Onlyfans, Ismygirl, AVN Stars!  No matter where you are I am Never Far!

Now I am working on My Patreon Page so don't you Miss Out or I will be Enraged.  

Get your butts to Eden and buy a brand New Toy!  Give yourself a treat and fill My World with Joy!


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